Sunday, November 18, 2007

Insulting and judgmental

If one is insulted because I take umbrage with the way kids (mis)behave and (un)dress in public, then good! Maybe you will wake up and get rid of hoochie mama/prison garb that your kids wear. When my kids wanted such clothing, they were told "When you are no longer living in this house, you may dress however you want to dress, as long as you can afford it and deal with any consequences." One kid piped up "Well, by then I'll know better!" The kid already knew. Sometimes, kids want parents to make the decisions. Most of the time, I believe they do want us to make the decisions. Then they can tell their friends that they can't do whatever because of their parents...they don't want to be grounded, lose use of a car, leave the house to go out in public, and so on. No child of mine would leave the house looking like she's ready for a night of sex. Just call me old-fashioned.

Judgmental? I'll cop to that, too. We are all judgmental. We judge the restaurants we eat at, the movies we see, the people we come into contact with. If we were not a judgmental society, anything at all would go. Even crime. It's heading in that direction now, and it is time for more people to be judgmental. PC crap will get us in an even worse mess.

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